'The revolution will not be televised'
​The changes have to come from the ground up, not top down. The entire system from education, agriculture, medicine, energy and sustainable housing has to change.
At Crops Not Shops we feel that it starts with the people on the ground, hands in the earth, sowing seeds of great change that start the real revolution. We are a community shared farming model for land diversification, working with land owners that see the vision of a new world for the people and planet to thrive in all aspects of societal needs.
The need for us to come together to rebuild robust, natural systems of diversity and community is clear to see. ​Outdated food & farming systems are destroying the earth and are leading to many health problems, which will effect the future generations, which is why we feel the need for communal living and re establishing connection to who we are and how we live on earth is vital.
The need for better education systems for children to truly learn, thrive and grow is why we advocate for home education.
We are on this mission to create and remember our collective part in nature and to help others thrive so we can see the entire society in abundance, good health and to return to the natural rhythms of life again.
We know that people cannot thrive alone and we do achieve greatness when we come together with a shared purpose and mission focused action. Community is about oneness and with such a separation in the world we know how important it is to return to a simpler way of being.
We have an amazing opportunity to envisage a world of equality and justice for all life.
We must defend the Earth and life at all costs. The world is one big community and we are all part of it so in order to go forward we must return to our roots and reunite with one another.
'The revolution will not be televised'

Our mission is to partner and collaborate with land owners, Farmers, Growers, Change makers & like hearted projects to create community shared farming models of land diversification (intentional) Community, Regenerative agriculture, natural health and wellness centres, Home education spaces, and equal fair shares for all Living things.
We aim to be a bridge into urban areas that pioneer, co-create and build FREE & fair food sharing networks ( FAFF ) everywhere, giving everyone access to natural organic nutritional food by transforming people's gardens & neglected public green spaces into abundant thriving havens of biodiversity for people & nature's wildlife.

The long term vision is open 25+ community shared farms across the Uk
that allow people access to land.

* The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops but the cultivation and perfection of human beings *
~ Masunobu Fukuoka ~

Love above all else
Earth care and total harmony with spirit and life
Personal and collective wellbeing for spiritual growth and deeper learning
To listen to nature and move accordingly with the earth's needs
Care for the family unit and place children at the centre of the Project
To share truthfully and honestly everyday
Project commitment for a better world for all
To care for the elderly
To be in right relation with earth
Holding the circle as the central decision maker
We value everyone to have a voice and input in the direction of the project
We deeply value community bonding and connection to each other.
We are inclusive and show compassion for everyone's unique journey of healing and enlightenment

Conscious use of mobiles within the community setting.
We are striving to purchase outside produce as ethically and locally as possible.
We try and make as many of our own products directly from the land we live on.
We are working toward consuming/being chemical free and organic.
We are off grid and mostly use renewable sources for energy and power. We reduce, reuse, repair and recycle as much as we possibly can
To work with other projects in line with our own vision
We try our best to avoid cooking in toxic pots & pans, and limit the use of seed oils when possible.
Drugs are not permitted on site, plant medicine is acceptable, but not used in our shared community spaces unless in ceremony.
Alcohol is hugely discouraged on site and we do not want the energy of it to leak into shared spaces. If you feel called to drink, we ask you keep it in your personal space and be respectful.
We ask that the community, refrain from smoking (inc plant medicine) in/around common areas and in sight of children.
We aim to limit consumption of stimulants & screens in community spaces.

Guiding Principles
We pray, meditate and give thanks daily as a community
We are guided by love and radical honesty
We eat together daily, sharing the responsibility of each others nutrition and physical health through food
We actively hold each other accountable for personal and collective growth.
We practice deep care and wellbeing of ourselves and each other
We put spirit and love above all else

Growing Community at Crops Not Shops
Our flow & Joining long term
This project has huge potential to cause ripples that will impact the future generations. Everyone is valued for their contribution whether it's cleaning, delivering, typing, sowing or building. We know that without these contributions our impact would be limited. If you are interested in Volunteering with us please head over to our volunteer with us page.
If you are hoping to become a core member of the community, please read on to find out how.
We believe the world is in an undesirable state because a few seemingly powerful people or corporations grapple to things with a patriarchal top down flow. In order to change that, we need to listen more to the women and tune into the love and nurturing aspect of the feminine to find balance again.
We are influenced by the sociocratic governance, which uses consent-based decision-making to create productivity. It's designed to protect and apply democratic values equally for everyone. We do this by holding the circle as the head of the community. We are new to the sociocratic model, we apply the methods throughout where possible.
As a community we have a set process for welcoming in core members and volunteers who wish to stay more than 2 weeks. ​​​
STEP 1. ​
At the end of this trial the co-ordinator and core group meet with the volunteers to discuss the possibility of extending the voluntary period.
If the volunteer would like to continue spending their time and energy on the land with community, they are invited to meet in circle with the core group and volunteer co-ordinator.
At the end of this trial the core team and long term volunteer meet to discuss the past three months. we then ask that the volunteer leave the land for a week (min) so the volunteers energetical and physical impact on the community can be felt.
This will be the final review. the past six months will be looked and assessed by the core group and the long term volunteer. If it flows, the volunteer will be welcomed to be a part of the core team.