‘You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth’
Educate. Empower. Grow - The heart of the Crops Not Shops mission and we know that it starts with The Family.
How do we prepare our children for the ever-changing, fragmented world that we find ourselves in? This is our focus. To learn from our ancestors of old, from our children and from Nature herself. We get as close as we can to the land because we know that she has the medicine the toxic parts of our world needs right now.
‘Our children are not our children, they are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself’ We know that education is not a one way stream. We have much to learn from them.
‘They come through us but are not from us’ ;It is OUR job to hold and guide them in their journey; ‘You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth’; we remember that their purpose is theirs and we give space for their true selves to emerge.
What we offer?
Events focused on empowering families through topics like nutrition, well-being, and passion-led learning.
Our weekly mentoring program passion-led learning connects community members with children and parents, inviting everyone to explore new interests or further develop skills in an area of interest.
"Feed the Family Day" promotes harvesting, cooking, and eating together while learning about nutrition and sustainable farming.
We have exciting partnerships with School Beans & Mamma Village, events associated with this partnership will be weekly and involve encouraging children and parents to get their hands in the soil.
Our education emphasizes play-based and self-directed learning, fostering intrinsic motivation and lifelong curiosity.